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Your Support Makes a Difference!

Lisa Thornton is running as an Independent Candidate for Churchlands to bring community-first leadership and real solutions to our electorate. As an independent, Lisa’s campaign is powered entirely by people like you—not party machines or big corporate donors.

Every dollar you contribute goes directly toward supporting Lisa’s campaign, from producing materials to connecting with voters. Together, we can show that independent, transparent, and accountable representation is what Churchlands deserves.

How Your Donation Helps:

Your contribution will help us:

  • Engage with the community: Fund outreach efforts like door-knocking, phone banking, and community events.
  • Raise visibility: Cover the costs of yard signs, corflutes, and campaign flyers.
  • Share Lisa’s message: Support online and social media advertising to reach more voters.
  • Run a winning campaign: Ensure we have the resources to be competitive and amplify your voice in Parliament.

Make a Difference Today

Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to a stronger, more independent future for Churchlands.

Transparency You Can Trust:

Lisa is committed to transparency. Please read the following before donating: 

  • Lisa will voluntarily disclose every donation here on her Supporter Wall in real-time. 
  • Additionally, there is statutory disclosure required of all donations above $2,600 (or where a series of donations together exceeds $2,600). Lisa will disclose these donations to the Western Australian Electoral Commission.
  • Any donations of $2 to $1500 made by an individual after the declaration of candidates (on 13 February) and before the results of the election are confirmed are tax deductible.  See ATO info here.

By donating, you confirm:

  • You are not a property developer, a director or officer of a property developer or are seeking to donate on behalf of a property developer. Please contact us if you require clarification.
  • You are an Australian citizen or permanent resident and not a foreign donor. If you have concerns about your eligibility, we may ask for proof of relevant status.

If you do not wish for your name to be displayed on the Supporter Wall, then you may tick the "Keep my name private on the Supporter Wall page" checkbox on the donation form.  However, in the interests if full transparency, Lisa would prefer that you show your name. Also, you can only donate anonymously if your total donations in any financial year remains below $2,600.

Your details will not be shared with any third parties and will keep correspondence to a minimum. 

Thank you for your generosity and belief in Lisa’s campaign.